Monday 14 January 2013

Why Egg Temperature Matters

I mention 'room temperature' eggs and butter when I create my baking recipes for you not because I prefer to be wordy, but because temperature of ingredients matters!

Always bring your baking ingredients to the temperature called for in the recipe you are following. If you follow that golden rule of baking, trust Martha, your results will be the better because of it.
If it reads 'melted butter' - melt that butter good!

Why Eggs Need to Be Room Temperature:
Eggs that are too cold, when added to your creamed butter base will make that creamy butter seize up. This then deflates any air bubbles that you created, inhibiting them from expanding when baked. Air bubbles are a great thing as they are what makes cakes fluffy.

We are busy people.
In North America, we keep our eggs in the fridge so waiting for your little eggs to become one with your room's temperature can seem like an eternity you don't have.
Here is a trick - fill a small bowl with hot water (not boiling as you don't want to cook your eggs). One by one, add your eggs and turn them in the water for around one minute. Careful not to crack their shells! They will warm up nicely.

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